International / English


The provider of this telemedia service is

Groke Türen GmbH
Faureciastraße 3-5
D-76767 Hagenbach

represented by the managing directors Gerd Schaaf, Wolfgang Schank

The company is based in Hagenbach

Commercial register: District Court of Landau in der Pfalz
Registration number: HRB 33569
VAT ID: DE 813 999 189

Tel.: 0721/5982-0
Fax: 0721/5982-55


Responsible for the content:

WWW: Gerd Schaaf, address see above
facebook Germany: Gerd Schaaf, address see above

Data protection

Groke Türen GmbH
Faureciastraße 3-5
D-76767 Hagenbach

Liability for own content

No guarantee or responsibility for completeness, errors in editorial and technical nature, omissions, etc., as well as the accuracy of the information on this website cannot be assumed. We are responsible for our own content, which we make available for use, in accordance with general law. References to content made available by other providers must be distinguished from this own content.

Liability for content on third-party websites

The references through links to content on third-party websites are for information purposes only.
The responsibility for this third-party content lies solely with the provider who makes the content available. The third-party websites were checked before the corresponding reference was set up. However, we do not accept any liability for the completeness and accuracy of information that lies behind a reference or link. The content of the other websites can be changed at any time without our knowledge.

References and links to third-party websites do not mean that we adopt the content behind the reference or link as our own. The content does not constitute any responsibility on our part for the data and information provided there. We have no influence on the content behind the link. We are therefore not liable for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and for damage caused by the use of content behind the link.

Changes to the information provided

We reserve the right to change, add to or remove the information provided without prior notice.

Protected content

This website contains data and information of all kinds that are protected by trademark and/or copyright in our favor or, in individual cases, in favor of third parties. This applies in particular to texts, images, graphics, sound, video or animation files, including their arrangement on the individual Internet pages. It is therefore not permitted to download, copy or distribute the website in its entirety or individual parts thereof. Permitted is primarily the technically necessary reproduction for the purpose of browsing, provided that this action does not serve any commercial purposes, as well as the permanent reproduction for personal use. Information offered for download (brochures, forms, information sheets, etc.) can be saved and printed for personal use. The reprint and evaluation of press releases is permitted with reference to the source. In addition, the publication (including on the Internet), processing or commercial use of all content (or parts thereof) may only take place with the prior consent of us or the originator/author.

Setting a link / framing

It is permitted to set a link to this website, provided that it serves solely as a cross-reference. We reserve the right to revoke the permission. Framing of this website is not permitted, with the exception of the unchanged iFrame codes provided in the specialist dealer area.


Use of the Internet is at the user's own risk. In particular, we are not liable for any technical failure of the Internet or access to the Internet.

Information on online dispute resolution

Platform for online dispute resolution of the EU Commission:

We expressly point out that we are neither willing nor obliged to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.
